Monday, September 26, 2016

Iran: Oppressive clothing regulations for female and male students

According to “Daneshju” state news agency on September 18, one of the forms the admitted students at Beheshti University are obliged to fill out an follow, is the Student Disciplinary Pledge. Failure to comply with these criteria will be considered a disciplinary violation and dealt with according to the university’s disciplinary regulations.
Parts of students’ code of conduct
Compliance with the regulations concerning Islamic clothing, avoiding to gather or stand within the university campus, avoiding any attempt in order to join or cooperate with pagan groups or emerging religions (like Satanism,…) are parts of this code of conduct for female and male students in Beheshti University.
Clothing regulations of female students
Parts of the clothing regulations for female students in the University are as follows:
Clothing should be simple and away from outrageous fashions and different from the clothes worn in other places, like parties, ceremonies or recreational places.
Clothing colors should not be too loud so as to draw attention. Shoes should be simple. High heels (over 5 centimeters), long boots (knee-high boots) and shoes which are worn in parties and special ceremonies are not allowed.
Wearing socks in the university campus is necessary. Jewelry and ornaments worn in the campus should be of acceptable ones (like wedding rings, watches, …).
Wearing strong fragrances is not allowed. Length of nails should be appropriate , wearing nail polish, nail extensions and jewelry is not allowed.
Wearing hats instead of wimples is forbidden. Wearing tight, short or ripped pants and open-front, no-button mantles is forbidden.
Clothing regulations of male students
Parts of clothing regulations for male students in the University are as follows:
Using ties or bowties of any kind is forbidden. Wearing tight, thin or ripped pants is forbidden. Too short clothes like sleeveless shirts or A-Shirts are forbidden. Wearing ornaments like necklaces, chains, wrist bands or bracelets is forbidden.
Wearing hair colors or outrageous hairstyles (curling, braiding, picking eyebrows), and having long hair is forbidden.

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