Showing posts with label Shahriar Kia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shahriar Kia. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hold the Iranian Regime Accountable for Its Atrocities

Hold the Iranian Regime Accountable for Its Atrocities

By Shahriar Kia

The American Thinker October 9, 2016 - October 10th will mark the 14th World Day Against Death Penalty, where people around the world will rally to support the abolition of executions. While we have reason to celebrate progress in seeing more countries abolish the death penalty in 2015, with 169 of the 193 member states of the UN having been execution-free in the past year, we also need to raise awareness and alarm in regions and countries where the state of human rights and the application of capital punishment has continued to deteriorate.
One of the countries of concern is Iran, where the ruling regime has executed more than 1,000 people in the past year. Less than a week ago, the Iranian regime sent 27 people to the gallows in the span of three days, more than the yearly figures of most countries that still exercise capital punishment. Elsewhere, a young woman is waiting to join the long list of juvenile offenders executed by the Iranian regime. And a lot more is happening discreetly.
A 38-year history has proven that execution, torture, repression and the brutal violation of human rights are indispensable and vital elements of the domestic policy of the clerical regime ruling Iran, and are key to its survival and its continued hold on power in the country.
A stark example is the 1988 summer massacre, where the Iranian regime purged its prisons of opposition members and executed more than 30 thousand political prisoners in the span of a few months in order to restore the depleting morale of its commanders and rank-and-file. The massacre was ordered by Khomeini, the founder and then-supreme leader of the Iranian regime, in a fatwa which dictated every opposition member to be executed unless they repent from their ideals for freedom and democracy.
For the most part, the victims were members and supporters of People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), the main opposition group that is vying for the establishment of a free, democratic, and secular government in Iran. The PMOI has had a pivotal role in exposing the Iranian regime illicit nuclear program and its terrorist venturing in the Middle East region.
During the 1988 massacre, a group of four clerics, which later became known as the 'Death Committee,' circulated through prisons and sealed the fate of prisoners in short, minutes-length trials. Many of the victims were executed merely because they had attended rallies or distributed newspapers belonging to the PMOI. No one was spared.
In an audio recording that was published for the first time after 28 years, the late Ayatollah Montazeri, who served as Khomeini's deputy at the time, condemned the executions as 'the biggest crime in the history of the Islamic Republic.' Montazeri was later deposed from his position because of his disagreements with Khomeini.
The 1988 massacre is an outlook into the real nature of the religious fascism ruling Iran, a nature that will remain regardless of the faces that fill the regime's showcase of high-level officials. 
Sadly, the UN and the international community has done little to shed light on and punish this crime against humanity that is compared to the Srebrenica genocide. What's more, the perpetrators of this atrocity continue to hold positions of power in Iran and continue their crimes with impunity. Mostafa Pourmohammadi, one of the leading members of the notorious Death Committee, now serves as justice minister in the administration of Hassan Rouhani , who is ironically touted by the West as a 'moderate' figure in the Iranian regime.
Current efforts being made to renew ties with Iran and reintegrate the Iranian regime into the international community after years of isolation and animosity will only result in the ruling mullahs becoming more brazen in their crimes against the Iranian people.
An international campaign is now gaining traction to hold the Iranian regime accountable for the brutal massacre and persecution of political dissidents, and the movement is garnering increasing support from politicians and activists across the world, including in the U.S. Congress. A resolution introduced to the House of Representatives on September 21 by Homeland Security committee chair Mike McCaul called for the condemnation of the Iranian regime for massacre of political prisoners in 1988 and justice for the families of the victims.
The U.S., UN, and the international community can play a more prominent role in this regard.
This underlines the need to stay true to the fundamental values that have been earned and bled for over decades and centuries of human history. Crimes against humanity such as the 1988 massacre and the continued violation of human rights in Iran should not be forgotten or overlooked for the sake of political and economic benefits. The perpetrators must be held accountable and any relations with the Iranian regime must be predicated on the improvement of human rights conditions in Iran.
So while we get ready to celebrate and commemorate the efforts made to abolish the death penalty, we must also remember that there is still a lot that needs to be done.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Next President Has a Serious Call to Make on Iran Policy

Iranian regime president does not represent the Iranian population

Among the many foreign policy challenges that the next President of the United States will face, Iran will be a prominent one.
The regime in Tehran is known for its instigation of terrorism and strife across Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. It has gained notorious fame for its violent meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, its support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in slaughtering more than 500,000 Syrians, and its track record of human rights violations against its own citizens, especially women and youth.
This makes Iran an imminent threat to regional and global stability and peace, as well as a de facto enemy in the fight against terrorism.
And it has been proven time and again that turning a blind eye on the Iranian regime's malicious venturing or fostering illusions that it can be an ally in fighting ISIS will do nothing to deter or lessen this clear and present danger.
In fact, the policy of appeasement and concessions adopted by the current administration has not only failed to rein in Iran's export of terrorism and human rights violation, but has prodded it to further undermine global security through manufacturing ballistic missiles, prototyping war drones, and continuing to fill the coffers of its extremist proxies in the region with the ransom money it receives from the West.
While Hassan Rouhani , the president of the Iranian regime, was staying in New York to speak at the UN General Assembly, details were exposed about a deal between the U.S. and the Iranian regime, which granted Tehran $1.7 billion in exchange for the release of four American citizens and lifted sanctions from the main financial institutions that fund Iran's nuclear missile program.
The Iranian regime has constantly insisted that it needs sanctions relief to reinvigorate its bankrupt economy, but time has proven that tending to the needs of the country's population is all but absent on the agenda of the ruling mullahs.
Fact of the matter is, the funds released following the nuclear deal hammered between Iran and world powers are being funneled into Iran's terrorist activities, its support of the Assad regime and its crackdown on dissent and opposition.
Of special attention is the state of human rights in Iran, which has deteriorated since Rouhani has assumed office, and has become an issue of concern among members of the U.S. Congress. Prominent members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently introduced a resolution that condemned the Iranian regime's mass killing of political prisoners in 1988, and called for justice for the victims.
Silent and unpunished to this day, the 28-year-old massacre was carried out under a fatwa by Khomeini, the founder and then–Supreme Leader of the regime, and in the span of four months, more than 30,000 political prisoners were executed.
The victims were mainly members and supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), the Iranian regime's main opposition group. This is the same group that, in later years, unveiled Tehran's secret nuclear program and has later garnered support across the globe, including on both sides of the aisle in the U.S. congress.
Today, the PMOI is part of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ), led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi , who has become the leading voice for regime change in Iran.
The extent of the carnage waged during the 1988 massacre led to Khomeini's own chief deputy, the late Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, to deplore the act as 'the greatest crime committed during the Islamic Republic, for which history will condemn us.'
The executions were orchestrated by a group of clerics who became known as the 'death committee.' What's noteworthy is that those same persons now occupy key posts across the country. A striking example is Mostafa Pourmohammadi, who now serves as Justice Minister in the government of the self-proclaimed 'moderate' Rouhani.
This only proves that the idea that 'moderates' within the ranks of the Iranian regime can be strengthened against 'hardliners' is wishful thinking.
But unfortunately, for political and economic reasons, searching for 'moderates' and appeasing the Iranian regime has remained part of the U.S. foreign policy to this date, inevitably resulting to the further undermining human rights in Iran, and instability across the Middle East region.
Whoever wins the next U.S. presidential elections will have a chance to right the wrongs and steer the foreign policy in a direction that will restore regional and global peace and stability.
The right place to start is to put an end to over two decades of appeasement toward the Iranian regime and holding its officials accountable for the uncountable crimes committed in Iran and across the world. It is about time that the U.S. stands with the Iranian people and their resistance movement.

Shahriar Kia is a press spokesman for residents of Camp Liberty, Iraq, and members of the People's Mujahedin Organization of Iran opposition group (PMOI, also known as MEK)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

American Thinker: Transforming Iran Should Be Core US Policy

By Shahriar Kia - August 14, 2016 - America is gearing up for what is making to be probably the most sensitive and important presidential elections in modern history. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will most definitely face major national security challenges very unique in nature. One of these is the seemingly insoluble Middle East crisis, with many aspects preplexing experts considering how to find a tangible and acceptable solution for all. As time is running out in this corner of the globe, the region is experiencing a level of anarchy never seen before.
Scenes of innocent people brutally massacred in Syria have become unbearable over the past twelve months, while Western Europe is literally becoming a weekly target of Islamic extremism.
The Middle East, as seen over the past 15 years and counting, has become the leading stage for unprecedented savagery, and this phenomenon is now finding its way to America.
When talking about Islamic extremism, Iran is definitely the No. 1 foreign policy challenge. Theocratic mullahs have been ruling this country for nearly four decades, and Tehran is known for its active and utterly disastrous role in all major regional conflicts, from Iraq to Syria and even Yemen, with a major uptick in recent years. The mullahs sitting on the throne in Tehran are the leading state sponsors of terrorism around the world, along with being the bankrollers of a fanatic brand of Islam that is against all true teachings. The mullahs in Iran sponsor the breeding grounds for new terrorists.
Iran also continues to provoke the free world through such acts of test-launching ballistic missiles, all despite the “landmark” and “historic” nuclear deal brokered with the international community. There is no doubt that the nuclear sanctions relief money, reported in the dozens of billions, have been in large portions allocated to Tehran’s support for international terrorism. Just recently the U.S. State Department released its annual report on state sponsors of terrorism, specifically saying “Iran remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in 2015, providing a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to grounds around the world -- particularly Hezbollah.”
“In reality, support for terrorism remains central to the Iranian regime’s foreign policy… Iran continues to bankroll the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is playing a key role in propping up the murderous Assad regime in Syria…” parallel to financing terror groups in Iraq and across the Middle East, said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) in heated rhetoric. Iran’s rampant support for terrorism is no flailing matter and over the years they have instilled their vicious approach into the minds and hearts of all.
U.S. CENTCOM commander General Lloyd Austin testified in March that Iran remains “a significant destabilizing force in the region… the activity of their Quds forces... we see malign activity, not only throughout the region, but around the globe as well.”
The Iranian people, however, are seeking change, and the reaction seen from the mullahs illustrates how terrified they are of this initiative being very much at hand and gaining momentum. This should act as a message calling for an end to the supine Obama appeasement policy vis-à-vis Tehran. A democratic state in Tehran will most definitely render establishment of peace and stability across the Middle East and beyond. The time has come for all kowtowing before Tehran by the West to be repudiated.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran, acting as the Iranian opposition, flexed its muscles on July 9th in Paris by holding a colossal “Free Iran” gathering of over 100,000 people from all four corners of the globe. This massive force of popular support was joined by an unprecedented lineup of bipartisan American political, legal, and military figures including Newt Gingrich, alongside hundreds of European and Middle East dignitaries. The participation of Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal was by far the most significant aspect of this rally, as he strongly endorsed the Iranian opposition’s call for regime change in Iran and expressed his desire for the Bashar Assad regime to fall.
All eyes will be on the next U.S. president to adopt a bold new approach and declared policy regarding Iran by recognizing and supporting the Iranian people’s demand for an end to the mullahs’ theocratic rule and democratic change. 
America is gearing up for what is making to be probably the most sensitive and important presidential elections in modern history. Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will most definitely face major national security challenges very unique in nature. One of these is the seemingly insoluble Middle East crisis, with many aspects preplexing experts considering how to find a tangible and acceptable solution for all. As time is running out in this corner of the globe, the region is experiencing a level of anarchy never seen before.
Scenes of innocent people brutally massacred in Syria have become unbearable over the past twelve months, while Western Europe is literally becoming a weekly target of Islamic extremism.
The Middle East, as seen over the past 15 years and counting, has become the leading stage for unprecedented savagery, and this phenomenon is now finding its way to America.
When talking about Islamic extremism, Iran is definitely the No. 1 foreign policy challenge. Theocratic mullahs have been ruling this country for nearly four decades, and Tehran is known for its active and utterly disastrous role in all major regional conflicts, from Iraq to Syria and even Yemen, with a major uptick in recent years. The mullahs sitting on the throne in Tehran are the leading state sponsors of terrorism around the world, along with being the bankrollers of a fanatic brand of Islam that is against all true teachings. The mullahs in Iran sponsor the breeding grounds for new terrorists.
Iran also continues to provoke the free world through such acts of test-launching ballistic missiles, all despite the “landmark” and “historic” nuclear deal brokered with the international community. There is no doubt that the nuclear sanctions relief money, reported in the dozens of billions, have been in large portions allocated to Tehran’s support for international terrorism. Just recently the U.S. State Department released its annual report on state sponsors of terrorism, specifically saying “Iran remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in 2015, providing a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to grounds around the world -- particularly Hezbollah.”
“In reality, support for terrorism remains central to the Iranian regime’s foreign policy… Iran continues to bankroll the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which is playing a key role in propping up the murderous Assad regime in Syria…” parallel to financing terror groups in Iraq and across the Middle East, said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) in heated rhetoric. Iran’s rampant support for terrorism is no flailing matter and over the years they have instilled their vicious approach into the minds and hearts of all.
U.S. CENTCOM commander General Lloyd Austin testified in March that Iran remains “a significant destabilizing force in the region… the activity of their Quds forces... we see malign activity, not only throughout the region, but around the globe as well.”
The Iranian people, however, are seeking change, and the reaction seen from the mullahs illustrates how terrified they are of this initiative being very much at hand and gaining momentum. This should act as a message calling for an end to the supine Obama appeasement policy vis-à-vis Tehran. A democratic state in Tehran will most definitely render establishment of peace and stability across the Middle East and beyond. The time has come for all kowtowing before Tehran by the West to be repudiated.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran, acting as the Iranian opposition, flexed its muscles on July 9th in Paris by holding a colossal “Free Iran” gathering of over 100,000 people from all four corners of the globe. This massive force of popular support was joined by an unprecedented lineup of bipartisan American political, legal, and military figures including Newt Gingrich, alongside hundreds of European and Middle East dignitaries. The participation of Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal was by far the most significant aspect of this rally, as he strongly endorsed the Iranian opposition’s call for regime change in Iran and expressed his desire for the Bashar Assad regime to fall.
All eyes will be on the next U.S. president to adopt a bold new approach and declared policy regarding Iran by recognizing and supporting the Iranian people’s demand for an end to the mullahs’ theocratic rule and democratic change. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Paris: Maryam Rajavi Delivers New Solution to Iran Crisis

On Saturday, July 9th, Iranian expatriates and supporters of opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) gathered from five continents to stage an unprecedented “Free Iran”rally in Paris, calling for regime change in Iran as a solution based on democratic principles and urgent action to provide necessary security for Iranian refugees in Iraq after a recent attack on Camp Liberty.
Event organizer NCRI is a conglomerate of Iranian dissident organizations, including the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MeK), each year successfully rallying huge Iranian Diaspora gatherings with an army of international figures expressing support for the cause of freedom and democracy in Iran without the mullahs.
The massive crowd of Iranians in Paris also rolled out the red carpet for a long slate of hundreds of distinguished figures, lawmakers of a rainbow of different political backgrounds, human rights advocates and prominent jurists from across the globe eager to show their solidarity and support for a democratic Iran rich in values cherished in the 21st century. The dignitaries included Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; Governor Howard Dean, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee; Prince Turki al-Faisal, former Saudi intelligence chief, José Manuel Barroso, former president of the European Commission and former Canadian foreign minister John Baird.
Maryam Rajavi speaks to the Grand Gathering in Paris.
The anxious speakers joined voice with the keynote figure of the event, being none other than Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi. She addressed the international community to bring an end to the failed appeasement policy, and adopt a much-delayed firm stance vis-à-vis Tehran by recognizing the NCRI as the sole legitimate voice of the Iranian people.
“International stakeholders assumed that the nuclear deal would bring tranquility to the region. But it rained down barrel bombs and 70,000 Revolutionary Guards on the people of Syria. It resulted in ethnic cleansing of Sunnis by the terrorist Quds Force in Iraq. And it led to the spread of extremism under the banner of Islam in the whole region,” Rajavi explained.
“On the other hand, the mullahs and Daesh are reading from the same script. Both espouse a similar reactionary ideology, which is diametrically opposed to the pristine teachings of Islam. They have a similar modus operandi when it comes to barbarity and savagery. They need to rely on one another to survive. For this reason, so long as the regime’s occupation of Syria, Iraq and Yemen continues, we cannot confront Daesh effectively,” she added.
Many speakers discussed the necessity for a change in policy and shifting away from decades of rapprochement with Iran. This is a proven failed policy that has to this day merely encouraged and emboldened Tehran to actually continue defying weak demands raised by the international community, they emphasized. Iran has used the opportunity to pursue its objectives across the Middle East, including in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and beyond through exporting extremist mentalities, supporting terrorism and boosting Islamic fundamentalism.
The prominent speakers, depicting a rare bipartisan American support, showed how the Iranian democratic opposition under Rajavi’s leadership has gained important support amongst influential figures in American politics.
“There is no reason for making a deal with the head of terrorism. It is nonsense to give them money for any reason and the atomic agreement only helps them have more money for exporting terrorism around the globe. With your efforts, however, and with an opposition movement that has supporters like you, freedom will be revealed. The existence of every single one of you here is a sign of hope and glory towards the redemption of your homeland,”said Newt Gingrich to the audience.
“Your fight and struggle against the Iranian regime will triumph soon and this is a matter of when, not if,” said Prince Turki al-Faisal addressing the crowd. “I want regime change, too. We in Islamic World will support you from the depth of our hearts.”
This massive rally in Paris proved once again that the international community has to finally recognize the Iranian people’s rightful demand of regime change through toppling the mullahs. Only such a mindset will pave the path for establishing a non-nuclear “Free Iran,”free of any oppression, emphasizing on separation of church and state to render a non-theocratic Iran for democracy to begin thriving.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Shahriar Kia: Theplight of human rights violations in Iran

The plight of human rights violations in Iran

 Tuesday, 05 July 2016 22:49

Shahriar Kia, a press spokesman for members of the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran opposition group (PMOI, also known as MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, on Tuesday wrote the following op-ed in The Hill:
The plight of human rights violations in Iran
The European Parliament recently witnessed 270 of its members issue a strongly worded statement lashing out and condemning the regime in Iran for its continuous and horrendous trend of human rights violations in contrast to preposterous claims of reforms and adopting a new approach. The statement encourages and rightfully demands the European Union and all Western governments “to condition any further relations with Iran to a clear progress on human rights and a halt to executions.”
As Congress is known for its deep respect for human rights values, it can send a strong, bipartisan message by taking a similar stance against Iran and remind the mullahs sitting on the throne in Tehran that the utterly flawed nuclear agreement pursued by the Obama administration will never overshadow their disastrous human rights dossiersupport for terrorism and meddling in other countries.
Today the regime in Iran is the world’s No. 1 ranking executioner per capita, including juveniles and women. The mullahs have been designated by the U.S. State Department as the leading state sponsor of international terrorism in this day and age. The number of hangings have skyrocketed in the past few years under the tenure of the smiling, “moderate” president Hassan Rouhani. In 2015 alone the world witnessed in all-out shock how the mullahs sent nearly 1,000 people to the gallows, as reported by Ahmed Shaheed, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, adding last year marked Iran’s highest number of executions in nearly 30 years.
Escalating domestic crackdown has been yet another hallmark of the Rouhani presidency, as “morality” police and the notorious Revolutionary Guards have increased their measures in Tehran and other major cities across the country. Their aim is to uproot and inflict severe punishment on any and all forms of nonconformity and refusal to abide by the regime’s oppressive laws under the banner of Islam, including the mandatory hijab, or veiling, for women and penal measures against labor unions and any effort to stage peaceful rallies. This clearly shows how Tehran is completely terrified of even the slightest voice of protest that may spark a chain reaction leading to nationwide protests and uprisings, the likes of which witnessed in 2009.
Iran is also known for its relentless sponsoring and support for Syrian dictator Bashar Assad in his ruthless campaign against his own people. Iran has become most definitely evolved into the main problem in Syria, and anything but the solution to this devastating war. Reports are indicating atrocious numbers of half a million dead after five years of carnage in this once beautiful nation of the Middle East.
Iraq is yet another canvas where Iran’s fingerprints are witnessed ever more as the international community continues to unfortunately neglect this very dangerous flashpoint corner of the globe. Iran-crafted and sponsored Shiite militia groups are once again accused by international human rights organizations of pursuing systematic and sectarian killings and human rights violations targeting the minority Sunni community in the recent campaign to retake the city of Fallujah, west of Baghdad, from Daesh (the Arabic acronym for the self-proclaimed Islamic State, ISIS or ISIL). This ultimately further marginalizes and alienates the Sunnis, and further pushes them into adopting extremist methods and welcoming radical groups.
As Iran enjoys a slate of sanctions reliefs and various opportunities following the nuclear deal with the P5+1, a slate of E.U. members have rushed into sending and welcoming political and economic delegations to and from Iran. Europe should not lose sight of the preconditions that must be placed before the mullahs’ regime prior to any investment in Iran. Congress has been trekking this path very carefully and is deeply devoted to denying Iran access to the U.S. financial system.
U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and other senior Western officials have correctly reminded that there is no doubt Iran will be funneling most of the relief billions directly to terrorist groups already wreaking havoc across the region.
To provide an alternative, the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) will be hosting a rally on July 9 where over 100,000 Iranians from across the globe and hundreds of politicians, parliamentarians, and members of the Congress from the United States, Europe and the Middle East will gather and voice major protests to the mullahs’ rule in Iran. They will all join this event in reassuring the people in Iran they enjoy support in the West for their struggle for freedom, democracy and human rights.
Iran’s human rights dossier is of major importance for the entire international community and the West has a significant responsibility to take a rightful stance and address this matter. This is where Congress can rise to the occasion.
The essential values cherished by today’s free world should be reason enough for lawmakers across the globe to call on their respectful governments to demand Iran make significant improvements regarding its human rights record if it seeks any trade relations with the outside world. Congress can lead the world in responding to this dire situation.
Shahriar Kia is a press spokesman for residents of Camp Liberty, Iraq, and members of the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran opposition group (PMOI, also known as MEK). He graduated from North Texas University.