Monday, October 10, 2016

UK Lawmakers and MEPs Show Bipartisan Support in Statement on Iran

Massacre of Political Prisoners in Iran in 1988 A newly released audio file of Ayatollah Montrazeri, former successor to Khomeini, in 1988, reveals new evidence about the massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners in Iran's prisons in the summer of 1988 including women and children and all political prisoners who supported the opposition movement of the People's Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI).
This massacre was carried out following a fatwa by the Supreme Leader Khomeini, who ordered all political prisoners loyal to the PMOI to be immediately executed.
In the new audio recording, Montazeri, comments that “these executions was the biggest crime that has occurred in the Islamic Republic and that the world will not forgive us for this crime”.
Human rights abuses and execution continue today in Iran because of the impunity enjoyed by authorities of the Iranian regime in the past three and half decades.
According to survivors' account, those in charge of the massacre go unpunished and are currently appointed in high positions of the lranian government including Mostafa Pourmohammadi, Minister of Justice, and Hossein Ali Nayeri, Head of Administrative Court for the Judges.
In their efforts to end these decades-long atrocities, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its President-elect, Mrs Maryam Rajavi, have presented a 10-point plan for future Iran that envisions a democratic, secular republic in Iran with the abolition of death penalty and torture as well as establishing the rule of law and respect for the United Nations Charter.
We urge the Government to recognise and condemn this brutal massacre as a crime against humanity and ask the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Human Rights Council, the General Assembly and the Security Council to order an investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.
We further urge the Government to back the efforts of Iranian people and the NCRI to make Mrs Rajavi’s 10-point democratic platform a reality in Iran.

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